Getting Started With Your Embedded MMTC Plugin

The MMTC plugin works by installing a small JavaScript snippet on your website. This snippet waits for clicks on a connected button, then opens a dialog to display the MMTC website within an iframe. Attributes on the connected button let you customize the user experience.

1. Submit a request

If you have not already done so, submit the request form at our MMTC partners page. We will contact you when your plugin is ready.

2. Install the plugin code

Paste the following snippet immediately above the closing </body> tag of your app/site:

Plugin Script
    <script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

3. Create a button to launch the dialog

To launch the dialog, create a <button> element with the data-open-mmtc-dialog and data-mmtc-brand attributes:

Plugin Button
<button data-open-mmtc-dialog data-mmtc-brand="yourbrand" > Open</button>

The data-mmtc-brand attribute identifies your plugin instance and applies any previously submitted custom branding content (like name, logo, and URLs, if applicable).

Clicking on this button will open a dialog with the embedded reporting flow. Clicking on the “X” button or the dialog background will automatically close the dialog.

4. Specify parameters

You may supply attributes on the button to customize the user’s experience. For example, if your organization only supplies a single type of test, you can configure that in the button so the user doesn’t have to select a test type:

Plugin Button with Test Type
<button data-open-mmtc-dialog data-mmtc-brand="yourbrand" data-mmtc-test-type="quidel" > Open</button>

Or perhaps you want to provide two separate buttons, one that reports a positive COVID test and a separate one that reports a negative COVID test. In that case, you could specify both the test target and result:

Plugin Button with Test Targets and Results
  >Submit a Negative Test Result</button>
  >Submit a Positive Test Result</button>
<button data-open-mmtc-dialog data-mmtc-brand="yourbrand" data-mmtc-test-targets="covid" data-mmtc-test-results="negative" >Submit a Negative Test Result</button> <button data-open-mmtc-dialog data-mmtc-brand="yourbrand" data-mmtc-test-targets="covid" data-mmtc-test-results="positive" >Submit a Positive Test Result</button>

For a full list of available options and usage, see Plugin Parameters.